SquidGuard Blacklists…

Here is a listing of some sites that have actively managed blacklists freely available for non-commercial download:

Shalla Secure Services
Blacklists UT1
MESD Blacklists (not sure how current this one is)

Anyway, I updated the getlists.sh script from the HOWTO – Child-Proofing Internet Access on Kubuntu article. It was failing because squidGuard kept not finding files and going into emergency mode when run with “-C all” to build databases. By also running it with the -d option, I was able to see where it was failing. The Norway site was not permitting the blacklist download to occur, so I found these other sites and wrote that into the script. By doing that and adjusting my squidguard.conf file (commented out the “not_ok” ACL block), as well as by creating files that it could not find (copied ok/domains.db to ok/domains and adult/very_restrictive_expressions to adult/expressions and porn/expressions), the script now ran without errors to completion.

The script is updated here and on the linked article.
getlists.sh (pdf file)